Carona é uma tipografia brasileira inspirada nos muros, anúncios e murais que encontramos no país. A maioria dessas placas que carregam características que foram incorporadas à essa fonte têm, antes de tudo, a função de informar, independente de beleza, erros ortográficos e ergonomia visual.
Carona is a brazilian typeface inspired by types on walls, ads and murals found in the country. Most of these walls carry features that have been incorporated into this type have, first of all, the function of communicate, regardless of beauty, misspellings and visual ergonomics.
Carona is a brazilian typeface inspired by types on walls, ads and murals found in the country. Most of these walls carry features that have been incorporated into this type have, first of all, the function of communicate, regardless of beauty, misspellings and visual ergonomics.
Designer: Ricardo Carvalho
Publisher: Ricardo Carvalho

Price: $5